Arrow function vs Regular function

14 feb. 2022-3 min read

Arrow function and regular function ( function expression) are used interchangeably in our code without knowing the difference between them which could cause some confusing behavior, in this article I will mention 3 important differences between arrow function and regular function.

1. This value

The value of this depends on how function is invoked, in javascript there are 4 ways to invoke a function.

1. Simple invocation

const foo = function(){
 console.log(this) // global object

2. Method invocation

const obj = {
 console.log(this) // { foo: [Function: foo] }


3. Indirect invocation

const obj =  {
  name : "javascript"
const foo = function(){
 console.log(this) // { name: 'javascript' }


4. Constructor function

const Language = function(name){ = name

new Language("javascript") // {name:javascript}

For the arrow function the behavior of this differs from the regular function, the arrow function doesn’t have its binding to this but it establishes this based on the lexical scope the arrow function defined within. this difference could cause a strange behavior when we use arrow functions as methods, so it’s better to avoid using arrow functions as methods.

const obj = {
 foo :()=>{
 console.log(this) // window

2. Constructors

Arrow function cannot be used as constructors, if you try to invoke arrow function’s prefix with new keyword, javascript throws an error.

 const Language = (name)=>{ = name

new Language("javascript") // TypeError : Language is not a constructor

3. Arguments object

Inside the body of a regular function, arguments is an array-like object containing the function invocation arguments.

function myFunction() {
myFunction('a', 'b'); // { 0: 'a', 1: 'b', length: 2 }

on the other side there is no special arguments keyword inside the arrow function, but it accesses arguments from the outer function

function RegularFunction() {
  const ArrowFunction = () => {
  ArrowFunction('c', 'd');
RegularFunction('a', 'b');  logs { 0: 'a', 1: 'b', length: 2 }


We have discussed in this article about 3 differences between arrow functions and regular functions which is :

  • This value
  • constructors
  • arguments object

What other differences between arrow and regular functions do you know?